
blood Sugar Level Ranges


     Blood sugar levels

What Is Normal blood sugar Levels

 blood sugar levels are often referred to as blood glucose levels. Glucose is a type of sugar that our body uses for energy. When we eat food, glucose is released into our bloodstream where it travels throughout the body. Our liver then converts the glucose into glycogen (a storage form of glucose) and stores it in the muscles and fat cells. Glycogen is stored in the liver until it is needed for energy. If there is not enough glycogen stored in the liver, the liver begins breaking down its own protein to make glucose. In order to keep the liver functioning properly, it needs adequate amounts of glucose.he normal blood sugar level is around 120 to 140 mg/dL. When your blood sugar levels are too high, you may experience symptoms such as weakness, dizziness, and confusion. When your blood sugar levels are too low, you may experience symptoms such as drowsiness, thirst, and hunger.

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 1. Cholesterol

 Cholesterol is a waxy substance that is produced by the liver and is necessary for proper brain function. Cholesterol is also present in small amounts in all foods. However, high cholesterol levels have been linked to heart disease and stroke. Foods that are high in cholesterol include red meat, dairy products, eggs, shellfish, and fatty fish.In humans, cholesterol is a major constituent of bile, which is secreted by the liver. Bile is a yellowish fluid that aids digestion and prevents fats from being absorbed into the bloodstream.

 2. Triglycerides

 Triglycerides are fats that are broken down from dietary fat. These triglycerides are stored in the liver and are converted back into fat if the liver does not need them for energy. High levels of triglycerides may indicate a problem with the liver.Loss 

 3. LDL

 LDL stands for low-density lipoprotein. This is a type of cholesterol that circulates in the blood. LDL is considered bad cholesterol because it clogs arteries and increases the risk of cardiovascular disease. Foods that are high sources of LDL include whole milk, butter, cheese, cream, ice cream, and fried foods.Burn 1000 in 30 day  with best supplement Hormonal Balance

 4. HDL

 HDL stands for high-density lipoprotein, and it is good cholesterol. HDL transports excess cholesterol from the body's cells to the liver for disposal. Foods that are high HDL include avocados, nuts, seeds, olive oil, and fish.

 5. Hemoglobin A1C

 Hemoglobin A1C is a test that measures how much sugar is in the blood over time. A normal level is below 5.9%. An elevated level indicates diabetes.People who have diabetes need this test regularly to see if their levels are staying within range. It can tell if you need to adjust your diabetes medicines. The A1c test is also used to diagnose diabetes.

 6. Homocysteine

 Homocysteine is a chemical that occurs naturally in the body. It helps regulate blood clotting and prevents cancer certain types of . Too much homocysteine can cause heart problems.

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